Michael Aun
Speaker, Author, Columnist, and Businessman
Michael Bergdahl
Full-Time Motivational Speaker, Author and Writer
Michael Shermer
Publisher of Skeptic Magazine
Mike Lipkin
Toronto-Based Speaker, Author, Motivator and Persuasion Coach
Mikki Williams
International Speaker, Trainer, Consultant, Coach, Author, and Radio and TV personality
Nicholas Webb
Author of "The Innovation Playbook"
Patricia Schroeder
Author and Political Speaker
Paul Brandus
Author of the acclaimed Under This Roof: A History of the White House and Presidency
Pegine Echevarria
A Walking One-Woman Antidote to Workplace Cynicism
Peter Cohan
American Businessman, Author, Venture Capitalist, and Financier
Peter De Jager
Speaker, Writer, and Consultant
Peter McLaughlin
Creates Programs to Help Businesspeople Improve their Effectiveness
Peter Reinhart
American Baker, Educator and Author
Peter Russell
Designs and Teaches Personal Development Programs for Businesses
Phil Lempert
Known as the "SupermarketGuru"
Ramesh Ponnuru
American Columnist and a Senior Editor for National Review Magazine
Rana Florida
CEO of Creative Class Group, Author, Editor, Cultural Curator
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